The Net is a global leadership community of apostolic pioneers who are pioneering regional ekklesia in relationship with prophetic companies. You might be in that process already or just beginning. This is a community that requires accountability and engagement, both relationally and practically. We have an Apostolic Council and an apostolic/prophetic mentoring and training team of additional experienced and respected leaders. We are serving the Emerging and Developing Hub leaders so that we can together accomplish the assignment God has given to us collectively, as explained below.
We are providing training, mentorship, support and a relational network of other pioneering leaders. The Net is a New Wineskin blueprint of ekklesia. Within it there is space for many different regional blueprints, which are carried by the apostolic and prophetic leaders called to those places.
Please read through the following to learn more about who we are.
If after prayer and consideration your spirit and heart align with the blueprint of The Net and you would like to officially apply there is a link below.
1: COMMUNION- We must first be united in relationship before we are united in function.
The door is authentic relationship- there is no other starting point. As a council we would like to spend time getting to know you. We want to hear your story, spend time together and understand how we can best serve and develop you. It will take a high level of connection and love to move effectively together. The only first step to any type of public promotion is life together. This means prioritizing attendance at regional gathering where there can be a starting point and then demonstrating an ongoing priority to value relationship before function.
2: CONSECRATION- We must share a purity that only comes from the baptism of death to self and our own agendas.
We must have shared humility that only comes from the Fear of the Lord. This will be the only way we will be able to walk together because some preferences, ideas, or methods might have to die in order to accomplish the bigger picture. The Holy Spirit has to be able to lead us in this and everything has to be on the altar.
3: COMMISSION- We must be convinced of our personal calling to lay the foundation of biblical ekklesia.
This might look different than some of us expect, and the process of getting there might not look exactly the same from the places where we are all are starting from. It requires a commitment to allow the Holy Spirit to continue to mold us towards his blueprint for our ministries and regions. This process will expose and expel all the "ways of man" that we've incorporated along the way leaving many of us with new convictions. We have to move towards a pure expression together.
Cultivating a lifestyle of these convictions will take a great deal of humility from us all. We are all going to have to be willing to receive from others in the competencies where we lack. Also willing to contribute to others where we have places of strength. This is the sharing of our resources that all might be mature among us and able to steward their piece of what God is building.
Houses: Smaller groups of fellowship led by mature believers to spiritually form and fellowship in family.
Hubs: Ecosystems of regional 5-fold leaders who will move together as teams to establish governmental authority in the Spirit; Teaching the body to function as ekklesia and equipping/supporting the saints towards Kingdom maturity.
There are two different, yet interdependent components that must develop in each region.
Here's a Two Part Teaching about Houses and Hubs from Rhema
We understand that this is a new paradigm for many. We will provide you with support, training and resources to understand the different dynamics of house church. We have a process and 12-week training timeline that can help you oversee and plant new churches directly through your Hub.
HUB Ecosystem
Three types of relational CONNECTION:
TEAMS- Functioning 5-Fold Leaders relate as co-laboring peers.
SONS/DAUGHTERS- There is intentional development of emerging leaders.
THE SAINTS- Among the ekklesia there is intentional oversight, protection, gathering and maturing.
Three different FUNCTIONS of the Hub:
Establishing regional governing authority
Mobilizing towards collective mission
Training and sending the saints into their assignments
This will require high levels of relationship and competency among local teams in leadership skills, advanced healing/deliverance, prayer and intercession, strategic intel, spiritual warfare, teaching and team leadership.
Authority & Leadership Structure
This is not a pyramid network that you need to “come under” and there isn’t an official charge involved. We believe that authority and honor come through relationship and investment. Many emerging leaders will need intentional equipping within relationship with more mature leaders. Within this context honor and teachability is important, however the goal of a father is to bring the son up to where he is. It’s not to be “above them” forever. Our leaders and teams are here to help you fulfill the calling of God to build the ekklesia in your region. We want to equip you in this task and surely there will be much we learn from one another in the process. We also understand that different leaders are at different places in their progression. You might just be starting out and needing a lot of mentoring and development, while another person might be very mature in many ways and have great maturity in their ministry expression. Everyone is different and could have different input needed. Our goal is bringing everyone connected to us onto the same page with the same maturity. This mission can not be done by any one hub or ministry. We will only be able to accomplish the task if we prioritize healthy, connected relationships.
Three Stages of Hub Progression:
Stage 1: EMERGING:
This is a new pioneering work. There may or may not be a team in place yet. This might be an established ministry committed to shifting into a new blueprint. The leadership might still be maturing in apostolic ministry or in understanding of the new wineskin but they must display humility, honor and teachability. There is some type of in-person regular gathering in place with local people, whether a first house developing into hub, monthly worship nights, prayer meetings, training etc. There will be a significant emphasis on intentional development through mentoring relationships, growing in leadership maturity and personal function/authority. Hub connection and function is beginning to be developed.
This is a work that is functioning with a team of leaders, though they might not be strong in regional relationships quite yet (might be within one ministry). The Houses and Hub have clear distinction in leadership and function. Believers in the region are engaging with your gatherings, trainings etc. beyond churches that you've planted. The leadership consists of personally mature and established leaders who walk in honor and love. The leaders are growing in personal competency/development. There is a growing competency in hub connection and function.
This is a work functioning with diverse regional leaders that have strong relationships cultivated over time regionally. They also have strong relationships with leaders outside of their region. The 5-fold ministry has full expression. There are various types of gatherings, trainings and opportunities for the body to engage and grow. There is competency in advanced deliverance, mature prayer culture, spiritual governmental maturity. There are houses that are producing new houses. Hub connection and function is established, functioning and has mature fruit.
The Public Map:
Underground (not public): Emerging Hubs
Initiating new relationship with leaders in the community.
May or may not have a regular in-person gathering happening yet.
May or may not have maturity to train, support and send houses
At least one apostolic leader who is engaging in training.
FireHouses (public): Emerging Hubs or Developing Hubs still growing in relationship.
Relationship has been established within the community.
At least one regularly meeting gathering which may or may not be clearly defined between Hub and House.
Ready to begin training, supporting and sending new house leaders.
At least one apostolic leader who is engaged in training and building relationship with prophets.
Hubs (public): Developing/Established Hubs
High relationship including regular in-person connection within the leadership community.
Distinction between the Hub and Houses in operation.
Mature and diverse rhythms of equipping, gathering, mobilizing.
Several mature 5-fold team members locally and mature apostolic/prophetic relationships.
There is an expression of Ekklesia that God is wanting to see on the earth that hasn’t been seen. Not everyone is called to build the new wineskin, but WE ARE.
This requires certain things of those who build at a foundational level or it will be compromised. Those who are called to this will know and have been prepared by the Spirit for this moment. I am certain that God is doing many things right now which will serve to bring about a glorious display of his Kingdom much larger than what we are collectively building. I also understand that The Net that God is knitting together must follow a specific blueprint that needs to be protected. We look forward to building with the ones called to this assignment.
Practical Commitment:
Competency Development: There will intentional training happening twice per month online. This will cover a wide range of topics designed to build upon one another and help maintain strategic focus. It will be highly important to stay engaged.RELATIONSHIP
Relational Proximity: Presence at yearly gatherings/events is important whenever possible. These times are priceless for building community, being refreshed and deepening relationships. Each region also has overseers who are there to mentor and serve. And of course there are other peer leaders who are walking the same road.POSITION
Teachable Heart: Honor and humility will be necessary. We’ve never been this way before and we are walking a road to pioneer something that doesn’t yet exist in fullness. We will all need grace for one another. Of course there are also forerunners among us who have paid a price to impart revelation and wisdom from their experience and we believe that shared strength is one of the key accelerators that God is using to advance the ekklesia quickly- sometimes this might mean letting go easily of old ways, preference or ideas and allowing God to replace anything he wants to.